
In A Minute Safety Chats (5 minute videos)

This series of 5 minute safety videos has been designed for use as meeting/discussion openers, tailgate training, new employee orientation and refresher training.

Printable quizzes and certificates available for each title.

Back Safety Basics SS1014DE-5 Concise Version
Back injuries caused by improper lifting are the most common disabling injuries in the workplace. A person can injure their back in virtually any type of occupation, often to the point they can no longer work in their chosen field, along with having a devastating impact on their overall quality of life. Many of the causes of back injury can be prevented by teaching employees how the back operates and the basics of proper lifting techniques. This video does just that. Great for new or experienced employees.
Back Safety Basics SS1014DS-5 Spanish Concise Version
Back injuries caused by improper lifting are the most common disabling injuries in the workplace. A person can injure their back in virtually any type of occupation, often to the point they can no longer work in their chosen field, along with having a devastating impact on their overall quality of life. Many of the causes of back injury can be prevented by teaching employees how the back operates and the basics of proper lifting techniques. This video does just that. Great for new or experienced employees.
BBP Know The Risk SS1027BE-5 Concise Version
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
BBP Know The Risk SS1027BE-5 Spanish Concise Version
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
Brush Pile Fire Safety SS06261963
In this video we cover important topics such as selecting the right location, preparing the area, following local regulations, and using proper fire-starting techniques. The video also emphasizes the importance of monitoring the fire, using safety equipment, and having a plan to extinguish it effectively. Whether you're clearing debris or maintaining your property, this video provides practical tips to ensure a controlled and hazard-free burn.
Commercial Kitchen Fire Prevention - SS6031AE (5 min.)
Fires are an ever-present danger in a commercial kitchen. But the danger can be controlled and contained by following sound fire prevention principles. This video outlines these principles and delivers information vital to preventing and containing fires in your establishment. Different types of fire suppression systems are discussed as well as how to operate and inspect them. The importance of keeping flues and appliances grease-free are examined as well as other common sense tips that will help your employees remain safe are also discussed.
Commercial Kitchen Fire Prevention - SS6031AS (5 min.) Spanish
Fires are an ever-present danger in a commercial kitchen. But the danger can be controlled and contained by following sound fire prevention principles. This video outlines these principles and delivers information vital to preventing and containing fires in your establishment. Different types of fire suppression systems are discussed as well as how to operate and inspect them. The importance of keeping flues and appliances grease-free are examined as well as other common sense tips that will help your employees remain safe are also discussed.
Fire Extinguisher Training in Hospitality - SS5072AS (5 mins) Spanish
Fire Extinguishers…your first line of defense in the event of a fire. Does everyone on your staff know how to use one and when to use one? This program covers the basics of HOW to properly use a fire extinguisher and WHEN to use it.
Fire Extinguisher Training in Hospitality - SS5072AE (5 mins.)
Fire Extinguishers...your first line of defense in the event of a fire. Does everyone on your staff know how to use one and when to use one? This program covers the basics of HOW to properly use a fire extinguisher and WHEN to use it.
Fire Prevention 101 - SS5068AE (5 mins)
Few things can be more terrifying and catastrophic than a fire. That is why training and education is so important. This video looks at ways fires can be prevented and covers the basics of fire prevention, conditions that contribute to fires and steps employees can take to minimize the risk of a potential fire in a unit.
Fire Prevention 101 - SS5068AS (5 mins) Spanish
Few things can be more terrifying and catastrophic than a fire. That is why training and education is so important. This video looks at ways fires can be prevented and covers the basics of fire prevention, conditions that contribute to fires and steps employees can take to minimize the risk of a potential fire in a unit.
Forklift Safety SS1024GE-5 Concise Version
This program utilizes video shot on location as well as 3D animations to train new or experienced employees in the importance of safe operation and the responsibilities of professional lift truck operations, and the skills and techniques operators can use to help ensure workplace safety and incident prevention.
Forklift Safety SS1024GS-5 Spanish Concise Version
This program utilizes video shot on location as well as 3D animations to train new or experienced employees in the importance of safe operation and the responsibilities of professional lift truck operations, and the skills and techniques operators can use to help ensure workplace safety and incident prevention.
Front End Loader SS062663
This video will explain how to operate a wheel loader/front-end loader, providing an overview of entry-level wheel loader controls. We’ve taken feedback from our viewers on our previous Wheel Loader 101 videos to bring you new and improved training. We will go over the basics of controls, driving, digging, and parking! The video is available in English and Spanish
GHS: Hazardous Materials Labels SS2001FE (8 Min.)
This GHS Container Labeling Training Video will help your employees understand the six types of information contained on a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) label as well as how to understand the 9 types of pictograms used in a GHS labeling program. This training DVD was created specifically to help you with the OSHA GHS compliance standard
GHS: Hazardous Materials Labels SS2001FS (8 Min.) Spanish
This GHS Container Labeling Training Video will help your employees understand the six types of information contained on a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) label as well as how to understand the 9 types of pictograms used in a GHS labeling program. This training DVD was created specifically to help you with the OSHA GHS compliance standard.
GHS: Safety Data Sheets-The Basics SS2002FE (5 Min.)
Explains the new GHS format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS's) adopted by OSHA when they revised their hazard communication standard. Available in English & Spanish
GHS: Safety Data Sheets-The Basics SS2002FS (5 Min.) Spanish
Explains the new GHS format for Safety Data Sheets (SDS's) adopted by OSHA when they revised their hazard communication standard. Available in English & Spanish
GHS: The Basics - SS1050FE (5 Min)
GHS or Globally Harmonized System is a method of identifying chemicals and their associated hazards. This video provides viewers with the basics of this program and describes the resources they can use to properly identify the hazards they may face, protective measures to minimize these hazards and other pertinent information.
GHS: The Basics - SS1050FS (5 mins) Spanish
GHS or Globally Harmonized System is a method of identifying chemicals and their associated hazards. This video provides viewers with the basics of this program and describes the resources they can use to properly identify the hazards they may face, protective measures to minimize these hazards and other pertinent information.
Insects, Rodents and Snakes: The Safety Basics SS1111AE
Insect, rodent, and snake safety meeting topic. Play to your employees to inform about the hazards and controls related to insects, rodents, and snakes.
Insects, Rodents and Snakes: The Safety Basics SS1111AS - Spanish
Insect, rodent, and snake safety meeting topic. Play to your employees to inform about the hazards and controls related to insects, rodents, and snakes.
Ladder Safety – SS8019AE - 5 (5 min.) Concise Version
This video deals with the safe way to use stepladders, straight ladders and platform ladders, as well as common hazards associated with improper ladder use. Explains the 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36″ requirement for straight ladders above landings and more. A great program for new or experienced workers.
Ladder Safety – SS8019AS-5 (5 min.) Concise Version Spanish
This video deals with the safe way to use stepladders, straight ladders and platform ladders, as well as common hazards associated with improper ladder use. Explains the 4:1 rule when placing straight ladders, the belt buckle rule, 36″ requirement for straight ladders above landings and more. A great program for new or experienced workers.
Lockout Tagout Procedures SS1036AE-5 Concise Version
It is estimated that over 100 workers are seriously injured every day due to failure to properly lockout-tagout equipment. This program covers the purpose of lockout-tagout, the hazards associated with the accidental release of stored energy, proper lockout-tagout procedures for attaining zero energy state, proper startup procedures and special situations. Referred by many professionals as the best training program in the market, Lockout-Tagout creates an awareness and respect for the hazards and motivates your workers to follow best practices to prevent incidents and ensure their safety.
Lockout Tagout Procedures SS1036AE-5 Spanish Concise Version
It is estimated that over 100 workers are seriously injured every day due to failure to properly lockout-tagout equipment. This program covers the purpose of lockout-tagout, the hazards associated with the accidental release of stored energy, proper lockout-tagout procedures for attaining zero energy state, proper startup procedures and special situations. Referred by many professionals as the best training program in the market, Lockout-Tagout creates an awareness and respect for the hazards and motivates your workers to follow best practices to prevent incidents and ensure their safety.
Machine Guarding: The Basics - SS1134AE (6 Min.)
This program defines what machine guarding is, what it is designed to do and what role employees play in their own protection.
Machine Guarding: The Basics - SS1134AS (6 Min.) Spanish
This program defines what machine guarding is, what it is designed to do and what role employees play in their own protection.
PPE Basic Training SS1028BE-5 Concise Version
PPE:Basic Training is just that, the Basics. Viewers will learn the basic purposes of each type of PPE and what hazards the PPE protects them against. Personal Responsibility to wear the PPE is stressed as is wearing the proper PPE for the proper task. Topics include: Footwear, Gloves, Eye Protection, Head Protection, Respirators and more. A great way to train new employees or open a discussion with experienced workers.
PPE Basic Training SS1028BE-5 Spanish Concise Version
PPE:Basic Training is just that, the Basics. Viewers will learn the basic purposes of each type of PPE and what hazards the PPE protects them against. Personal Responsibility to wear the PPE is stressed as is wearing the proper PPE for the proper task. Topics include: Footwear, Gloves, Eye Protection, Head Protection, Respirators and more. A great way to train new employees or open a discussion with experienced workers.
Seatbelt Safety SS1125AE (6 Min.)
Among drivers and passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. Seat belts prevent drivers and passengers from being ejected during a crash. People not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash. This video is great for drivers of all experience levels.
Seatbelt Safety SS1125AS (6 Min.) Spanish
Among drivers and passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. Seat belts prevent drivers and passengers from being ejected during a crash. People not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash. This video is great for drivers of all experience levels.
Slips Trips & Falls SS1064IE-5 Concise Version
When most people think of workplace injuries they visualize high-risk activities. Slips, trips and falls are the second-leading cause of workplace injuries and fatalities. Over 50% of them occur at ground level. Slips, trips, and falls are 100% preventable.
Slips Trips & Falls SS1064IS-5 Spanish Concise Version
When most people think of workplace injuries they visualize high-risk activities. Slips, trips and falls are the second-leading cause of workplace injuries and fatalities. Over 50% of them occur at ground level. Slips, trips, and falls are 100% preventable.
Wet Floors: Slip & Fall Prevention S1131AE (5 Min.)
Slips and falls are a common cause of injury in the workplace. While there are many contributing factors, one of the more common are wet, slippery floors. Floors can become wet from a variety of sources: spills, rain, or cleaning activities. If we can eliminate the wet floor or surface, we also eliminate the associated slips and resulting injuries.
Wet Floors: Slip & Fall Prevention S1131AS (5 Min.) Spanish
Slips and falls are a common cause of injury in the workplace. While there are many contributing factors, one of the more common are wet, slippery floors. Floors can become wet from a variety of sources: spills, rain, or cleaning activities. If we can eliminate the wet floor or surface, we also eliminate the associated slips and resulting injuries.
What Is Risk? SS1104IE (7 Min.)
This video defines what risk is and teaches viewers to recognize risk, both in their personal lives and at work. Viewers are shown their personal responsibility as it relates to reducing risk.